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What are polyphenols?
Polyphenols are a group of micro-nutrients found in most plant-based foods and generally show antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.

Picual extra virgin olive oil improves the functioning of the digestive system, has a protective effect on the skin, is an ideal food for detoxifying the liver and gallbladder and helps calcium absorption.
Research in the US indicates that it would also have an anti-inflammatory action that protects a high percentage of breast cancer.

In the case of EVOO, it protects acids ..... and clogs the vessels in it. In turn, they prevent the formation of atheroma plaques in the vessels.

Similarly, there are indications of the antitumor properties of polyphenols. Therefore, early harvest green olive oil will contain a greater amount of polyphenols. The olive of the picual variety produces a greater amount of polyphenols than the arbequina variety, for example.

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What is the Oleocantal?
Oleocantal is a natural organic compound from virgin olive oils. It is part of the family of polyphenols, substances with antioxidant characteristics present in some foods of plant origin.

The importance and peculiarity of oleocantal is that it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Its anti-inflammatory action on the body is very similar to ibuprofen, one of the most widely ingested non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


This molecule, present in the Picual EVOO, was discovered by the Italian scientist Gian Francesco Montedoro from the University of Perugia. Dr. Gary Beauchamp, collaborator in the development of drugs that had ibuprofen among its components, took an oil sample to his laboratory at Monell Center (Philadelphia). Doctor Beauchamp arrived again at the oleocantal molecule guilty of itching * and astringent taste discovering its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, comparable to those of ibuprofen, but devoid of its undesirable side effects produced by the latter.

The oleocantal compound is not in all the olive oils that we can find on the market. Only a group of those chosen among the extra virgin olive oils can boast of the precious oleocantal. Among them the one that has the most oleocantal is the picual variety.
* L to Itchy throat sensation was the cause of his exciting discovery.
The qualities most present in Picual oil
Health effects
Antidiabetic, antiarrhythmic,spasmolytic,
immuno-stimulant,cardioprotective, hypotensive,
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,antithrombotic, lowers cholesterol,triglycerides and LDL, antitumor

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,antitumor

They have a protective role againstvarious diseases including
prevention of certain types ofCancer.

* José Ramón Llorente, Neuropath and President of the Spanish Society for Ortho Molecular Nutrition and Cofenat in Valencia.
* Faculty of Pharmacy, Auburn University (USA).
* University City Science center, Monell center (Philadelphia)
* Doctor Gary Beauchamp, publication of his work in 2005
* Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training of the Andalusian Government.
* Nuria Rosique, dietician and nutritionist from the nutritional unit of the Rovira i Virgili University, of the Ciberobn (Biomedical Network, Obesity and Nutrition Center).
* Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
* Predimed study published by the IAMA Internet Medicine journal.
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